Thursday 14 June 2007

Shiny Gear 2

The Apple Mac

Tis a debate to be sure and I have been informed by an associate that apple's are, and i quote, "gay, because they are good with colours and things - oh and a triumph of style over capability".

Needless to say this person who currently is wearing a tin-foil flying helmet to prevent the evil moonbeams of transponders breaking his glider meditations has
a)never owned a mac
b)never used a mac
c)maybe seen an advert for one, somewhere.

Me - i am the worst kind of user. A convert. Rather like ex smokers who badger ad infinitum about how holy they are, a convert has to convert others.

I am hooked. I got a mac-mini and it sits pretty much permanently on, in the front room, discretely talking to the plasma telly whatsit, communing with tinterweb and generally being really quite well designed. ok so it is only 6x6inches- but it has more grunt than much on the market today. Ok i only use for a bit of surfing, photo gazing, music, and a bit here and there. But it has office and all the other fun rinky-dinks i could want.

So what you bored people say. Well

a) It worked without having to spend ages downloading patches
b) The operating system works (ask anyone with vista that ...)
c) Kit plugged in just works
d) I neither need nor have antivirus, spyware etc.
e) It all hangs together elegantly

So i am now looking for an excuse to get rid of my personal laptop and big PC upstairs and replace with a macbook and an imac. They are not cheap but mip for mip they are cheapper than dell.

So if anyone is feeling generous can i have one of these please

Object of desire


Anonymous said...

No no no. You are so wrong. If in doubt, read this (specifically, the page it links to) and weep:

sigismund said...

you know deep down that you do want one. I can tell, it is just denial.

Nicodemus said...

Well, despite my tinfoil flying helmet - Big Grey blocks the Sultry Journo's rant on grounds of taste.

Personally I am well aware of Crapple's strengths.

Fab if you do graphic design or DTP

Awesome if you sequence in Protools for other high ende sysnthesising software

Stunning if you do a lot of MIDI interfacing.

You, of course do neither.
You use it to attach dirty speech bubbles to photos of rikshaw drivers in Phnom Penh, download chicks with dicks porn from the interweb and load of Adult orientated rock on to your 'me-too' girl accessory - the iPod.
Sure it has cool lines, and looks soo funky.
But as you have no direct functionality demands for a reduced instruction chipset, it can leave only one reason.
You are a middle aged homosexual.

I have spoken.

sigismund said...

"people who cant handle the challenge of a proper computer"?

Thats right i drive an aston martin cos i cant handle the challenge of driving a mondeo.

As for Nicodemus - tell me how long it took to set up your virtual DJ thing with Vista - how many times did you have to reinstall from scratch?

As for reduced instruction set chips - i am in danger of contacting the uber-geek. You know you dont want to go there. It is the same chip dullard. Infact the new Intel Rosa chipset is fully 64bit.

I have a copy of computers for dummies if you want it, oops no need, you have vista.

sigismund said...

Oh and who has a flat in brighton?

Nicodemus said...

Actually - I wouldn't say no to a flat in Brighton. Good real estate values, nice restaurants, interesting music - but slightly too many sculpture galleries.