Wednesday 6 June 2007

Conspiracy theory

For those that are in the know - I have a penchance for exploration.

I have shinned up high and mighty alps, slithered into caverns measureless to man, yomped through steaming jungles and trekked parched deserts.

All well and good for the adventurous cove.

However occaisionally you come across things in your travels that can only be described as cool .

You have to recognise that most chaps still have the sense of wonder / world view of a 14 yr old. To the point you cry...

A few years back I was in the little town of Box, near Corsham in wilts. Famous for Brunel's Box tunnel. Dead straight and renowned for having the sun shine through on his Birthday (doncha love the guy for building that) and for many years being the longest such tunnel in the world.

It is also home to some of the most extensive underground military sites in Britain - if not the most extensive. This site is so big it has its own branch line and station that is connected in the tunnel. It was also home to Burlington which was the key nuclear bunker for the government.

You can get into Box Stone Mine if you know who to ask as it is no longer fully classified. While exploring a huge mine with working cranes and stone carts is diverting, stumbling on the decommissioned parts of the factories, weapons stores, telephone exchanges and the like is:
a) unsettling
b) reminiscent of a doctor who set
c) very much like being in the x-files - (but without Gillian Anderson)

Why the conspiracy theory?

RAF Rudloe Manor a.k.a JSU Corsham - is apparently involved with UFO investigations. And the propeller heads out there have put on their tin foil hats and think it is like Area 51.

This nice website explains all - fascinating really.



1 comment:

Nicodemus said...

Another day 'working from home'?