Thursday 7 June 2007

Brave New World

Oh yes

According to the cuntwits that believe the spin - everything is better under Labour.

Oh yes - it is.

In 1979 Unemployment was 1.4m - it got Thatcher a job.

Today it is 1.7m - Brown declares economic miracle.


I'll tell what the cunting miracle is. That thick fucking retards actually have the temerity to tear themselves away from Trisha and to vote for those cunt-sucking lying morons. What gets me really riled is that so many so called intelligent people agree with outpouring of toad-shit that is the media sping from these horse-fisting buffoons.

Alas pretending to be intelligent and understand ishoos is not the same as actually understanding what the fucking arse is going on as this country is systematically butt-fucked by the quim lickers in charge.

Oh and inflation? Not that the government wants you to know ...

here is what the ONS has to say RPI .

Inflation creeping up
Rates creeping up Jobless at 1.7m

Economic Miracle - fuck off

Gordon you are manipulating the numbers to fit your lies.

God helps us when he gets hold of the nukes


Nicodemus said...

Indeed the lies are spun - and those of us who have to purchase things other than frozen pizza feel the pinch!

Nicodemus said...

And the 2.4Mill on 'incapacity' or as it is always been - the too lazy to pick own arse or too thick to scratch it - benefit.
There is a simple solution to this old boy.
Ever since the Bolshevik, the Levantine and the Proletaratiat siezed the 'meejah' they have turned it to the 'PRAVDA' style news. All the truth the government wants you to know.