Sunday 3 June 2007


We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control.

Yes well, Roger Waters, but i think we do.

Now what is this unseemly row about Grammer schools? in my view there are those that approve and those that don't. Those that approve generally live in a catchment area, those that don't do not. Unless you are a labour MP, then you send your kids to private schools.

However, the tory row interests me. Should new ones be created? Good question - if there is already adequate provision then it will be hard to justify creating a new school - from pure economics of scale questions alone. This is reality - the ideological standpoint has little merit and as for the knob cheese who resigned over the policy - well - who hasn't got a job any more?

This leads me on - other commentators have waxed lyrical for education by selection, single sex schools and even streaming. The argument that holds the most water for me is that Children need to be educated along side those of similar ability and speed of learning - Is it best to do this at seperate schools or within existing ones. I think that should be up to the parents locally. The concept of winding back to some supposed golden age of boys in shorts and natty caps is long gone - you cannot wind the clock back. Cameron - state your policy on how you want children to be educated and let the locale decide on the most appropriate mechanism of delivery. That is a) stating a potential winner on the educational ideology front and b) giving local people, free of the dead hand of central control, the choice to do with the education subsidy.

Further posts will be significantly ruder Just wanted to be ever so topical.

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